Regional Dialogue Coastal West Africa
IDPS organized the Regional Dialogue on Prevention, Peacebuilding and Resilience in Coastal West Africa (CWA) on 25-26 March in Accra, Ghana. This dialogue brought together 84 participants representing 17 countries including government representatives, development partners, civil society, regional organizations, the private sector, and other partners from the region and beyond. They convened to address the complex challenges affecting the sub-region and highlight how local actors and their partners can overcome these challenges.
During the 2-day regional dialogue, participants shared lessons learned from their diverse experiences and contexts within Coastal West Africa. This exchange of insights provided a valuable opportunity to identify common challenges, innovative approaches, and successful interventions in prevention efforts across the region.
The dialogue focused on the theme of prevention, resilience and peacebuilding in Coastal West Africa, seeking to understand current and future trends and developments in the region, as well as delve into thematic topics including local approaches to prevention and peacebuilding, violent extremism and community resilience, youth engagement, climate security, gender-inclusive peacebuilding, and financing resilience efforts.